Come have a nose around!

Come have a nose around!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bedroom finished

Gagh I've been painting this all day since 8am... have a problem with actually finishing work, I just can't say goodbye! The line work around the bed and in some places is too thin/thick... I could of brought it back into illustrator to fix the line but i wanted this done to start on my next BG. Overall I like it, its been a looooong time since I used perspective, so my next BG I want to use is 2 point.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Zombie attack!

Getting really into zombies lately. So I painted this in Photoshop cs5, she's Rae from the manga Sankarea, it's a good read!

Monday, April 2, 2012


Going to colour this in tomorrow in Photoshop, but drew it in Illustrator.