Come have a nose around!

Come have a nose around!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Storyboard Credits for 'I'm a Creepy Crawly'

All the episodes are on RTE player.. Lots of posts lately because I know I'll be too busy over Christmas, haha!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cute Girl with Kitten!

(hopefully) Does what it says on the tin! Been a loooong time since I drew characters.. buts its a breath of fresh air from doing the backgrounds.. I want to do more in the future!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Working on another layout. This is my backgarden. I hardly ever work from photographs so thought I'd give it a try. Ill colour later on in the week.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bedroom finished

Gagh I've been painting this all day since 8am... have a problem with actually finishing work, I just can't say goodbye! The line work around the bed and in some places is too thin/thick... I could of brought it back into illustrator to fix the line but i wanted this done to start on my next BG. Overall I like it, its been a looooong time since I used perspective, so my next BG I want to use is 2 point.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Zombie attack!

Getting really into zombies lately. So I painted this in Photoshop cs5, she's Rae from the manga Sankarea, it's a good read!

Monday, April 2, 2012


Going to colour this in tomorrow in Photoshop, but drew it in Illustrator.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Shortlisted for Animex award

Hey just an update, my film 'Looking Glass' has been screened and shortlisted for the Best Young Filmmaker Award at Animex 2012!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Looking Glass

Looking Glass from Alana O'Brien on Vimeo.

My end of year film (2011). If you want to see it ask me for the password, due to the college I'm not supposed to have this online, but once its password protected its ok...


Spotlight from Alana O'Brien on Vimeo.

A short film I directed in my second last year (2010) in Balleyfermot College with Stephen Fitzgerald and Sarah Cherif. I'm really pleased with the mood and feel of this creepy little film. I never animated more in my life than i did for Spotlight, but then I learned so much in the process.